Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Surrey, Vancouver and Langley Orthodontist Dr. Aly Kanani Achieves Invisalign Premier Provider Elite Status

VANCOUVER, BC — As of January 2010, Vancouver orthodontist Dr. Aly Kanani will be recognized as an Invisalign Premier Provider Elite. As a Premier Provider Elite, Dr. Kanani has pinnacled as an Invisalign caregiver in the top 1% of treatment experience in North America.

Dr. Kanani has been treating his orthodontic patients using Invisalign orthodontics for several years now. Since then Dr. Kanani has helped hundreds of patients, from teenagers to adults, benefit from more confident and more beautiful smiles.

“At our practices we take great pride and pleasure in correcting crooked teeth and other malformations,” said Langley orthodontist Dr. Kanani. “Invisalign is a great treatment method that has revolutionized orthodontics. To be considered an elite care provider in Invisalign orthodontics is a great honor that I won’t soon forget or take for granted.”

Invisalign treatment corrects teeth misalignments utilizing clear aligner trays that fasten directly over the patient’s teeth. The trays are virtually invisible and can be worn at any time except during meals comments Dr. Kanani. Gradually, the Invisalign trays shift and move teeth into a balanced, well formed smile.

Invisalign’s proprietary dentist ranking system divides orthodontists and dental practitioners providing Invisalign treatment into three categories: Preferred Providers, Premier Providers, and Premier Provider Elites. Preferred Providers have adequate case experience to treat some patients, while Premier Providers have achieved more case experience. At the top of the list are the Premier Provider Elite practitioners, who provide the highest levels of case experience, making them the most sought out Invisalign orthodontists in British Columbia and in North America due to their extensive experience and ability to use the Invisalign technique properly and effectively.

In addition to Dr. Kanani, there are only two other Premier Provider Elite practitioners in British Columbia notes Dr. Kanani. He provides Invisalign treatment and other orthodontic services from Guildford Orthodontics and Invisalign in Surrey, BC, Langley Orthodontics and Invisalign in Langley, BC, and Vancouver Orthodontics and Invisalign at the Vancouver Multi-Dental Care Clinic, in Vancouver, BC.

Correcting teeth misalignments and having properly aligned teeth can improve the condition of teeth by avoiding premature erosion and promotes the health of joints and muscles in the jaw and face adds Dr. Kanani.

“For years I have been helping patients achieve more beautiful smiles with minimal discomfort during treatment,” said the Surrey Invisalign and braces practitioner. “Watching patients become more confident and pleased with their smile is a rewarding experience that keeps the job fun and new. There have been several lifelong friendships made and I’m overjoyed to have played such an important part in so many people’s lives”

In addition to Invisalign, Dr. Kanani is a Vancouver invisible braces and traditional braces provider. To read more about the benefits of Invisalign or braces treatment, visit: http://www.invisibleorthodontics.ca/.

Learn More
To learn more about Dr. Kanani’s Invisalign treatment, visit the Surrey orthodontist’s Web sites: http://www.guildfordorthodontics.com/, http://www.langleyorthodontics.com/ or http://www.vancouverorthodontics.com/. To speak with a staff member, call 1-604-629-0452 to schedule a consultation at the Vancouver Orthodontics office in Vancouver, BC. For Dr. Kanani’s Langley Orthodontics practice, call 1-604-533-6696. For those seeking an orthodontist or Invisalign provider in Surrey, B.C., Dr. Kanani can be consulted at the Guildford Orthodontic Centre, which can be reached by calling 1-604-589-2212.

About Dr. Aly Kanani
Dr. Aly Kanani was born and raised in the Lower Mainland Area. He has a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree in Physiology from McGill University and received a Masters of Science (M.Sc) from the London School of Economics in England. He received his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree (D.M.D.) and also completed his Masters in Education degree (MS.Ed) at the University of Pennsylvania. Furthermore, he has nearly completed his Masters in Public Health degree (M.P.H.) from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Kanani graduated from the University of Detroit Mercy with a Masters of Science degree in Orthodontics (MS.Ortho) and a Specialty Certification in Orthodontics (Cert.Ortho).

Dr. Kanani previously taught clinical orthodontics to dental students at the University of British Columbia Dental School. He has also taught in various capacities at both McGill University and at the University of Detroit Mercy. His research has been published in the premiere journal of orthodontics in North America, the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics.

He was the recipient of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Scholarship to conduct oral health research in New Delhi; the prestigious Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award presented to him by His Royal Highness Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh; and has achieved status as a Board Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics, a recognition held by fewer than 15% of practicing orthodontists worldwide. Furthermore, he is a Premier Provider Elite of Invisalign in BC (British Columbia) placing him in the top 1% of Invisalign experienced orthodontists and dentists in North America.

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